Just a little request from Lucy who was practising her dancing and singing routine to Justin Beibers song "Baby". "I'll show you what to do first Momma and then you copy me the next time - ok?" How could I resist.
I sat on the sofa as a slightly nervous and embarrassed girl in front of me did the actions for heart, shake, wake etc with the odd little wiggle in between. When the rap section came she stumbled with the words but gosh it was so lovely. I really wanted to video her but I knew she wouldn't want me to and well it was just a special moment between us. The other two girls were playing with friends.
Up I got and did the moves and jumped in the right places - it was so lovely and Lucy was sooooo sweet.
Later on when we all went to gymnastics, I heard Lucy said to Chloe in the back of the car "It was really fun earlier Chloe, Momma danced with me, she even did the jumping". My heart melted.
16 August 2011
10 August 2011
The Italian Meringue
For months and months I'd been hearing about "The Italian Meringue Buttercream". Hailed as the best topping for cupcakes and I had the perfect opportunity to make some - Hubby's 35th Birthday.
Following the precise and perfectly illustrated instructions on the Pink Whisk site for the meringue buttercream I started. Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for the time and effort it takes. I mean seriously I got myself a chair so that I could sit and watch the thermometer reach it's designated temperature. Eventually after lots of whisking, waiting, boiling, whisking, cooling, piping I got the final product. Was it worth it? Well it was nice, but personally I think I prefer normal buttercream. Also, normal buttercream doesn't take so long to make. I must point out though that the family soon ate the cupcakes and there weren't any complaints.
Happy Birthday Mark x 
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