For months and months I'd been hearing about "The Italian Meringue Buttercream". Hailed as the best topping for cupcakes and I had the perfect opportunity to make some - Hubby's 35th Birthday.
Following the precise and perfectly illustrated instructions on the Pink Whisk site for the meringue buttercream I started. Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for the time and effort it takes. I mean seriously I got myself a chair so that I could sit and watch the thermometer reach it's designated temperature. Eventually after lots of whisking, waiting, boiling, whisking, cooling, piping I got the final product. Was it worth it? Well it was nice, but personally I think I prefer normal buttercream. Also, normal buttercream doesn't take so long to make. I must point out though that the family soon ate the cupcakes and there weren't any complaints.
Happy Birthday Mark x 
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